Gluten-free Cappuccino Brownies

These gluten-free chocolate cappuccino brownies are unique in the best way possible. Usually, when you add coffee to a chocolate-based recipe, it's only to enhance the chocolate flavor, but in this recipe I really wanted to highlight the coffee flavor and create a chocolate cappuccino situation!

Chocolate Cappuccino Brownies

These brownies are soooooo rich, fudgy, and dreamy! The thin layer of ganache on top gives them an extra element of fudginess that nobody can say "no" to. A tiny hint of cinnamon adds to that warm coffee flavor and makes it taste like you're actually drinking your favorite fancy coffee. I was adamant about having a dusting of cocoa powder on the very top, not only for the looks, but for the very slight bitterness to even further mimic the coffee flavor. So yummy.

Also, does anyone else get major Christmas vibes from coffee and chocolate together? Something about it just makes me want to snuggle up under a blanket, watch the snow fall, and have a mocha latte β˜•οΈπŸ«

Let the baking begin!

Ganache Dripping onto Brownie


- When dusting with cocoa powder, tap the sifter VERY gently. When I made this recipe again for pictures I tapped too hard and there was a super thick layer of cocoa. If you do this on accident, just take a spatula and mix it into the ganache until it dissolves and then dust some more cocoa on it with a gentler hand πŸ˜….

- Pour your ganache on immediately after it's done. Ganache sets up pretty fast and it won't smooth out as easily if you wait to pour it.

- Crumple your piece of parchment paper that you're using to line the pan before you place it in the pan. This makes it less of a pain to fit in because it doesn't keep popping out...just do it. You'll see what I'm talking about, lol.

Cocoa Powder Being Sifted onto Brownie
Slice of Cappuccino Chocolate Brownie with Ganache and Cocoa Powder Dusting

Gluten-free Almond Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies


Chocolate Buttercream