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Breakfasts Kali Terry Breakfasts Kali Terry

Gluten-free Blueberry Muffins

Are you ready for a taste of summer? Blueberry season is almost upon us! - or at least it was when I wrote this…😂 So, let's get ready to bake up some delicious muffins made with freshly picked, juicy blueberries. Also, I'm pretty sure that blueberry is the most (or one of the most) popular muffin flavor of all time. Who can resist the tiny explosions of sweet, fresh blueberries in every bite? - They’re definitely one of my personal favorites.

These are soooo easy to make and taste 100% better than any gluten-free muffin you could find anywhere. In less than 40 minutes you can have a heavenly, homemade blueberry muffins with fresh blueberries bursting in every bite. Forget trying to find a good quality gluten-free blueberry muffin from a grocery store. Most of the time they’re dry and have those tiny pieces of fake blueberries in them that give them a super artificial taste. These muffins are leaps and bounds better than those, and may even be better than blueberry muffins made with traditional flour…well, you can be the judge of that, but take my word for it!

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Desserts, Dessert Toppings Kali Terry Desserts, Dessert Toppings Kali Terry

Strawberry Dessert Topping

It's officially strawberry season!!!! Well, it's June 23rd as I'm writing this, so it might not be strawberry season anymore when you're reading it. 😂🍓 If you want a scrumptious, sweet, and homemade strawberry topping then you've come to the right place. There is nothing like a fruit topping made from fresh fruit of the season. Added bonus if you get to actually pick them yourself! Every summer my daughters and I go picking strawberries at our local berry farm and come home with tons of fruit. This year was no different; we came home with 2 huge buckets of strawberries...I believe it ended up being just about 10 pounds 😳.

This strawberry topping was on the top of my list to make. It's super quick and easy and soooo good. Nothing you buy from the grocery store can come close to the fresh taste of this topping. Just wash your berries, slice them up, throw them in a pot, do a little magic, and BAM! You have the perfect strawberry dessert topping.

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Desserts Kali Terry Desserts Kali Terry

Gluten-free Strawberry Shortcake Cupcakes

Summer is finally here! That means it's time for fresh, sweet, summer fruits. Strawberries are the tell-all signal that summer is officially upon us. We can't wait to go to our local berry farm and pick our own berries in this house! I know you can get them at the grocery store, but those really can't compare to fresh ones. They're so much sweeter and juicier, it's unbelievable. Pure perfection.

These Gluten-free Strawberry Shortcake Cupcakes are the perfect dessert to utilize your fresh-picked berries. The vanilla cupcake is butter based, but there is also sour cream added in to pump up the moisture. I made these in a jumbo muffin pan so they would be the perfect size to make single serve shortcakes. Just slice them in half and add the strawberry topping and whipped cream -- super easy! The cake holds up beautifully to the strawberry topping and whipped cream. I even left a fully assembled shortcake in the refrigerator overnight and it was still perfect the next day. I'm sure these strawberry shortcake cupcakes will become a summer favorite for you, just like they are at my house.

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Breakfasts Kali Terry Breakfasts Kali Terry

Gluten-free Strawberry Muffins

I love strawberries. My whole family loves strawberries. We all love to eat them whether they are baked into a strawberry pie, strawberry crumb bars, strawberry bread, strawberry tart, strawberry muffins, strawberry get the idea. They are in my home pretty much all year long. These muffins are a perfect addition to your morning and a great way to welcome summer. The batter is cream cheese based, which gives them a wonderful flavor and texture. Dicing the strawberries assures you get some juicy strawberries in each and every bite. The small amount of strawberry extract gives them just a little extra goodness. So, go ahead and give these a try!

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Desserts Kali Terry Desserts Kali Terry

Gluten-free Apple Pie Bars

If you love apple pie, then you'll love these apple pie bars. These bars are made with a delicious shortbread crust that melts in your mouth. Next, the fresh apples are cooked down to be soft with classic fall flavors like butter and cinnamon. The crumb topping is the last addition to these bars, adding a sweet, buttery, delicate crunch that is just like a crumb pie topping.

These apple pie bars are great for a party or get-together because you can easily cut them into squares to serve a crowd. Besides being super easy to make, they're super delicious - whether you serve them warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or even just plain!

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Breakfasts Kali Terry Breakfasts Kali Terry

Gluten-free Chocolate Raspberry Muffins

Chocolate and raspberry together form a delectable partnership. These chocolate raspberry muffins are a perfect example of how these two ingredients are meant to be together. The muffin batter is made with cocoa powder AND melted chocolate. The cocoa gives a punch of flavor while the melted chocolate adds a fudgier texture. Plus, there are chocolate chips floating around in the muffins with the raspberries. Chocolate and raspberry overload! These muffins could stand on their own and be perfectly delicious, but the chocolate lover in me decided to add those extra chocolate chips as well.

The sweet, juicy, fresh raspberries just take these muffins to a higher level of deliciousness. You get the perfect blend of flavors in every bite. Treat yourself to these scrumptious chocolate raspberry muffins -- you deserve it!

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