Gluten-free Chocolate whoopie pies

The perfect gluten-free whoopie pie -- A delicious, soft, chocolaty pair of mini cakes filled with a mound of fluffy marshmallow buttercream. Each bite makes you want more. A classic favorite!!

gluten-free chocolate whoopie pie with vanilla icing filling

chocolate whoopie pie cut in half

We’ve been working on these luscious whoopie pies for some time now so they’d be ABSOLUTELY PERFECT to share with the world! We spent months and months figuring out the best way to achieve a perfectly puffy shell without making them dry and crumbly. Obviously, since you’re reading this, we’ve achieved our goal!!! These Gluten-Free Chocolate Whoopie Pies are moist, fluffy, chocolaty, and perfectly balanced with the creamy vanilla filling - in our opinion, there’s nothing better!

While growing up and living in Pennsylvania was/is often times boring, the frequent visits to Amish farmers markets is definitely a highlight. Unfortunately, after going gluten-free, I was unable to enjoy those increible Amish whoopie pies 😭😭 I was then put on a mission to create gluten-free whoopie pies that were even better than the Amish ones…here’s what I’ve created.

Let the baking begin!

chocolate whoopie pies stacked on top of each other


- Always preheat your oven.

- All refrigerated ingredients should be room temperature unless stated otherwise.

- Make the filling as the cookies/cakes are cooling.

- If your icing/filling seems too stiff, add a few drops of milk at a time.

- You can use the same scoop you used for the cookies/cakes for the icing/filling.

- If you want to make the filling chocolate instead of vanilla, add 1/2 c. cocoa powder. If it gets too thick just add 1- 2 Tbsp. milk.

chocolate whoopie pies
gluten-free chocolate whoopie pies

Gluten-free Banana Cream Pie


Gluten-free Red Velvet Crumb Cake