Gluten-free Chocolate Chip Cookies

These are the most amazing gluten free chocolate chip cookies you'll ever taste in your life! Yes, they are THAT good. The perfect blend of butter, brown sugar, chocolate, and vanilla make these the chocolate chip cookies of your dreams.

Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

After going gluten free, I thought that the perfect chocolate chip cookie was gone forever. I tried a few recipes, but, naturally, they just weren't the same: gritty, hard, crumbly, and stale after sitting for a few hours. So, I got to work!

After a lot of hard work and a lot of cookies later, the ultimate, most amazing, chocolate chip cookie was born. No grit, no strange aftertaste, and no dry, sandy, crumbles. These cookies are soft, chewy, buttery, sweet, and delicious. They stay fresh for weird-texture cookies here! When I share them with my family and friends, the response always is "These are gluten free? Oh my gosh! They are so good! You can't even tell.". That's when I knew I succeeded. Like I said, they really are THAT good. Give them a try. You'll be glad you did. 🍪

Let the baking begin!

Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies


- Always preheat your oven.

- Cookie scoops - Like I said before, cookie scoops make the dough process go by a lot faster. If you can, invest in them.

- Oat flour - It's not necessary, but I highly recommend it. This is one of my special ingredients that really helps with texture and flavor.

- All refrigerated ingredients should be room temperature unless stated otherwise.

- Applesauce - Do not skip it. It is one of the key players in keeping these cookies soft for days.

- Let the cookie dough stand at room temperature for 10 minutes before scooping the balls. This allows some of the gluten-free flour absorb a little bit of the moisture in the dough.

Gluten-Free Cookie Dough
Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

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