Gluten-free Boozy Chocolate Cherry Cordial Cookies

These soft, chewy, chocolate cookies have a Southern Comfort-soaked boozy cherry stuffed in the middle and are topped with a creamy chocolate frosting. A delicious treat for the adults to enjoy πŸΉπŸ’πŸ«

Gluten-Free Chocolate Cherry Cordial Cookies

Chocolate and cherry - what a great combination...especially when you add booze into the mix! These delicious cookies have been in my family for many years. We make them every year for Christmas and they're always a hit. So, when my daughter and I decided to make these gluten-free we thought "Why not change them up a little bit?". Hellloooo, Southern Comfort! A little, red, sweet gem soaked in booze and maraschino cherry juice. Combine this with chocolate and you definitely have a winner on your hands. A fudgy, chocolate, boozy cordial cherry cookie.

Of course, if you don't want to soak the cherries in Southern Comfort you don't have to. You can keep them classic by using plain maraschino cherries and they'll still be insanely delicious. They'll be perfect for the kiddos to enjoy as well!

Let the baking begin!

Gluten-Free Cherry Cordial Cookies


- Always preheat your oven.

- All refrigerated ingredients should be room temperature unless stated otherwise.

- I recommended only soaking the cherries overnight, but soaking them for longer results in a stronger alcohol taste.

- Don't over bake these cookies.

- The icing sets quickly as it cools, so you may need to warm it up again or add more cherry juice.

Gluten-Free Cherry Cordial Cookies
Gluten-Free Chocolate Cherry Cookies

Gluten-free Soft Pumpkin Spice Cookies with Brown Sugar Icing


Gluten-free Chocolate Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies