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Breakfasts Kali Terry Breakfasts Kali Terry

Gluten-free Chocolate Cappuccino Muffins

A gluten-free cappuccino muffin is a tasty blend of coffee, cinnamon, and chocolate baked together to give you the perfect breakfast treat. Our gluten-free chocolate cappuccino muffins take your breakfast to a whole new level! We added cocoa and chocolate chips to the batter, creating this winning flavor combination that you'll want to make again and again. Seriously, if you love the classic chocolate+coffee combination you need to make these muffins. They are light, delicious, and are sure to become one of your favorites.

Bake up a batch of these for a quick breakfast during the week or to start of your weekend mornings. Brew up some coffee, grab a chocolate cappuccino muffin, and you'll be ready and energized to conquer the day.

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